In the Studio...

In the Studio...
"yep, this is where it all happens..."

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Look what I found

Hello again. Bon Soiree!

I am super excited about the art ideas screaming around in my head. There are a actually a handful that are making it to the canvas, too. I'm loving the way they are turning out!! This year's theme seems to be abstracts with loads of texture. I am enjoying acrylics and mixed media... and burlap. There is something so earthy and raw about burlap. ... so keep an eye out for my burlap pieces.

I also wanted to add a pic I found of one of my favorite local galleries, Venue... coincidentally they are less than a mile from me, so it would be so easy to go there very often. My only hiccup at the moment with that plan is babysitter availability. Needless to say they have a very cool atmosphere and bring a style to the Square that's different. And the reason why I'm adding the pic is that it is coincidentally includes one of my paintings. I like the way it looks in that place.

So now with that, I say goodnight (bon soir) and Smiles and Blessings to everyone.
- Shannon

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