In the Studio...

In the Studio...
"yep, this is where it all happens..."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Crazy days are here again

Hello again. We're back.

Okay, I promise I haven't been just sitting around filing my nails. I really have been busy and I'm definitely practicing prioritization for sure!!

So for an update...

Washington Fine Arts Society has a new home. A generous member of the community is allowing us to use part of his building for a small fee. We would not be moving forward so quickly without this...

Then we received our papers from the IRS that we are now officially NON-PROFIT baby!!!! We did it!!! (And now we need to figure out how to pay for it.)

Plans for the Fine Arts Festival are well under way and there is always more to do. I've never been a part of a project that wasn't somehow feeling behind schedule or over-budget. But mark your calendars for August 15 and 16.

In addition to that we've got classes to plan (Park District wants to put us in their fall class schedule... good stuff, but a little earlier than we were ready for.)and I think I'm going to teach a few classes too. Now I just need to figure out what I want to teach. And the time, oh where is the time?!?

Also taking a short break from writing our society newsletter, reviewing insurance quotes, putting together "lease agreement" letter... oh yeah and don't forget budgets and status. Ecetera ecetera ecetera...

And then there's art... No, I haven't forgotten.

My latest inspirations have been all about textures and I've been drawn to exploring multi-media. I love the look and depth of encaustics... plus the tactile qualities of deep texture. I have researched and tested some recipes for 'acrylic encaustics'. That is probably where I'll focus for my pieces for this years work. I'll post some pics when I get a few further along. (Still sketching around on my Nelly-Doll series and have more bits on my "bird-in-a-cage" vision.) We'll see what idea is ready and with me when the brush is wet with paint.

So for now that is where I am... and did I mention that I have been diagnosed with Celiac Disease. That's been part of the adventure, too. A gluten-free adventure. I started a separate blog for thoughts on that... "Gluten Free Looks Good."

Peace and Blessings to you all -

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