In the Studio...

In the Studio...
"yep, this is where it all happens..."

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello hello...
It's been a while since I've written, I know. I'm afraid I've been pulled from the studio to work on things of a business nature. Yes, I'm referring to tax filing. But most important is I've been working to file the paperwork to get our Washington Fine Arts Society tax exempt non-profit status. Which in essence means a whole lot of paperwork... and for every one page there are several more you need to "attach detail". So that has been where the bulk of my energy has been.
I'm excited because we're almost there and I'm excited because it will be such a positive thing. The status, while just a status, means that we are validated as a legitimate society as well as being able to apply for grants. Plus, any monies kindly donated to us are tax-deductible to our patrons. Why do we need money?
Well our goal is to one day have a place to meet regularly (maybe rent/lease/let/borrow), that may also serve as a place to hold workshops, studios, classes, and maybe also serve as a gallery space. Every little bit helps and it will take alot I feel. This will definitely be a step in the right direction. Art - its creation, education regarding, and its appreciation - are such an important part of a healthy happy community. And this is where we (my family) plan to stay... so I feel I'm working to help our community move forward, too.

Now, let me just say that my creative brain has not been dead... just on the back burner. My sketchbook is still being tended to and I'm already looking to decide which ideas are worth developing and putting on canvas. Stay tuned.... this should be an exciting year!!

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